Mi Life Is An Adventure

Mi crazy, wonderful, beautiful life.

My Adventure Ended…. April 12, 2012

Going Home Is Hard To Do.

Well, I made it back home unscathed, somewhat rested, and with feelings of mixed sorts.

I was unbelievably excited to see my Paisley. God I missed her. 5 days away was long enough. I missed my girl, her drama, her early waking, her laugh, her excitement, I missed it all. I was so happy when I went in to kiss her at 2 am, she woke up briefly, and smiled, and said “Mummy, I missed you”…melted my heart.

I was excited to see Shaughn, but truthfully, we still haven’t seen each other. We have not connected, I haven’t really told him anything about my trip. He has seen a few pics on Instagram, but really that’s about it. I hate this.

My life seems to have just continued exactly where I left off, I got home, got things ready for work, slept for 4 hours, woke up and had the kids that morning. Nothing has changed. It’s still the same life.

When I left, I was going for a break, which I did get. I spent time doing things I love, I was in the outdoors pretty much everyday, I was able to explore a new city, and be with a wonderful friend. I was able to remember who I was, and where I came from; before I was Mummy, before 5 kids called for me every minute of my 10 hour work day. I was able to laugh, and cry and talk…and talk….and talk. I was able to have real conversations, that weren’t filled with interruptions, or explanations.

I enjoyed doing new things, and hearing new stories about things and places I had never been or seen. It was wonderful to be away.

On Monday, I woke with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I knew my time away was over. I had to go back. Real life was calling my name. I packed and got ready for my trip to Milwaukee. Thankfully it was a 3 hour drive, still time to talk, and laugh. As soon as Miller Park (where the Brewers play) came into view, my stomach dropped. It was really ending. I was going to have to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. HATE THEM. There was a pretty big line at the train station and we were able to talk a bit more before I boarded.

And then I had to go. My adventure was over. I had to say Good Bye to Elliot, see you in July.

It was a very uneventful ride to Chicago, I snuggled with Paisley’s cow, and just stared out the window. A million things drifted through my head as I watched the world pass out my window.

I finally arrived home to London at 2 am. It was a long trip, I was exhausted. I was looking for my bed before I stepped a foot inside the door.

So, now I wait till July. Elliot will be here for my vacation, and I will show him London, we will be hitting our Pride festival, checking out Toronto and Niagara Falls, campfires, and fun. I can’t wait. Another break. Hopefully by then Shaughn will be more settled in a job, and my life will resemble something of that of a year ago, and not my current crazy.





Trains… April 5, 2012

Filed under: Crazy,Help,Holiday Mayhem,Life,Parenting,Uncategorized — Christa @ 6:33 am
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It’s exactly 6:15, I’ve been up since 4:15. A restless hotel sleep fraught with undreaming dreams has made me more tired than I would’ve imagined.
I am sitting on a train, heading to Chicago from Port Huron MI. After a short stop in Chicago, I head to Milwaukee.
I love the train. I always have. Watching the cars pass, wondering who is on them, where they are going. Today I am one of the train people. With my backpack and purple suitcase, I’m armed for my adventure.
I am incredibly nervous, I’ve never just left on my own before, I backpacked across Canada when I was 19, but I was with someone. I feel like I’m running away from my real life to go and live someone else’s for a few days.
I know who’s waiting for me in Wisconsin, but I have no idea really, this spur of the moment trip, this idea….what was I thinking?
My mother sat across the table from me last night pulling out everything in her Mum arsenal to get me not to go.
She used my daughter, my husband, family…the fact that I have a cold…everything to get me to stay. Was she right?
I hope not. I need this break. Desperately.
Today I am a train person, please wave to me. I need some reassurance.
